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El idioma oficial utilizado para el material del sitio web público de la Corte Superior de Los Ángeles es el inglés. Google™ Translate es un servicio gratis en línea de traducción de idiomas que puede traducir texto y páginas web en distintos idiomas. Las traducciones por computadora son solo una aproximación del contenido original del sitio web. La traducción no se debe considerar exacta y en algunos casos podría incluir lenguaje incorrecto u ofensivo.

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Ngôn ngữ chính thức sử dụng cho nội dung của website công cộng của Tòa Thượng Thẩm Los Angeles là Anh Ngữ. Google™ Translate là dịch vụ phiên dịch ngôn ngữ miễn phí trên mạng có thể phiên dịch văn bản và những trang web sang nhiều ngôn ngữ khác nhau. Phiên dịch bằng máy điện toán chỉ có kết quả xấp xỉ gần giống nội dung nguyên thủy của website này. Không nên xem bản dịch là chính xác và trong một số trường hợp bản dịch có thể sử dụng ngôn ngữ sai hoặc xúc phạm.

Tòa Thượng Thẩm Los Angeles không bảo đảm mức chính xác, đáng tin hoặc nhanh chóng của bất cứ tin tức nào do Google™ Translate hoặc bất cứ hệ thống phiên dịch nào khác thực hiện. Ngoài ra, không thể phiên dịch được một số ứng dụng, hồ sơ hoặc loại khác gồm cả biểu đồ, hình ảnh hoặc một số dạng văn kiện lưu động (pdfs).

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Nếu quý vị có bất cứ thắc mắc nào về Google™ Translate, xin bấm vào đường nối sau đây: Google™ Translate FAQs.

 언어 번역 면책 조항

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Լոս Անջելեսի Առաջին ատյանի դատարանի հանրային կայքի պաշտոնական լեզուն անգլերենն է։ Google™ Translate-ն անվճար լեզվական թարգմանչական ծառայություն է, որի միջոցով տեքստ ու կայքեր կարելի է թարգմանել զանազան լեզուներով։ Համակարգչային թարգմանությունը կայքի բնօրինակի սոսկ մոտավոր ներկայացումն է։ Թարգմանությունը չպետք է դիտվի իբրև ճշգրիտ, և երբեմն կարող է ներառել ոչ ճիշտ, կամ վիրավորական արտահայտություններ։

Լոս Անջելեսի Առաջին ատյանի դատարանը չի երաշխավորում Google™ Translate-ի, կամ մեկ այլ թարգմանչական համակարգի կողմից թարգմանված որևէ տեղեկատվության ճշգրտությունը, վստահելիությունն ու արդիականությունը։ Բացի այդ, որոշ ծրագրեր, ֆայլեր կամ պարագաներ, օրինակ՝ գրաֆիկներ, լուսանկարներ, կամ որոշ փոխադրելի փաստաթղթային ձևաչափեր (pdf), թարգմանվել չեն կարող։

Խնդրում ենք նկատի ունենալ, որ թարգմանության խնդրանք ներկայացնելիս Դուք Լոս Անջելեսի Առաջին ատյանի դատարանի կայքից դուրս կտեղափոխվեք։ Լոս Անջելեսի Առաջին ատյանի դատարանը չի քաջալերում Google™ Translate-ի օգտագործումը։ Մեր կայքը կարելի է դիտել այլ թարգմանչական ծառայություններով ևս։ Ցանկացած անձ, կամ կազմակերպություն, ով հենվում է որևէ թարգմանչական համակարգից ստացված որևէ տեղեկատվության վրա, այդպես է վարվում սեփական ռիսկի հաշվին։ Թարգմանության ավարտին, Դուք հանձն եք առնում ցանկացած անճշտության, սխալի, կամ հայտնաբերված այլ խնդրի ռիսկը։ Լոս Անջելեսի Առաջին ատյանի դատարանը պատասխանատու չէ որևէ այնպիսի վնասի կամ խնդրի համար, որը թերևս կարող է առաջանալ Google™ Translate-ի, կամ թարգմանչական մեկ այլ համակարգի օգտագործման արդյունքում։

Եթե Google™ Translate-ի վերաբերյալ որևէ հարց ունեք, ապա խնդրում ենք սեղմել հետևյալ հղումը․ Google™ Translate FAQs.

Main Content

The forms on this web site are in PDF format. Most modern browsers are able to display PDF documents natively. For older browsers, you may download and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader application by navigating to the Adobe Acrobat Reader web site.

The Los Angeles Superior Court is transitioning to electronic "paperless" case files.
View the status of electronic files by case type.

The Court has transitioned from requiring certifications in red or purple colored ink to black ink only.
View additional information regarding certified documents.



Locate the courthouse where your case belongs.
Locate Your Filing Courthouse.

Filing fee information for Civil Limited, Civil Unlimited, Family Law, Small Claims and Probate cases.
View filing fee information.

With each new case management system implementation, the Court is employing a new case numbering matrix.

View the Case Number Schematic.
  • State Judicial Council Approved Forms
  • All statewide approved forms are available for Adoptions, Appellate, Civil, Conservatorships, Criminal, Guardianships, Family Law, Juvenile, Name Change, Probate, Small Claims, and Traffic.

  • Locally Approved Forms
  • In addition to forms approved by the State Judicial Council, the Superior Court of Los Angeles offers a variety of local forms listed below. Many of these forms are fillable.

    Look for the Language Services icon Language Access Services Icon to find forms and other important information translated in the most requested languages.

    By law, in California all official court business must be conducted in English.

    Official documents and forms must be filed in English.

Appeal and Appellate Forms
Form Name Form ID Revised Date Fillable Mandatory
Request for Electronic Delivery of Record on Appeal and Notice of Electronic Delivery Address APP 142 11/23 YES

civil Forms (Including UnLawful Detainer)
Form Name Form ID Revised Date Fillable Mandatory
Affidavit for Order for Appearance and Examination of a Third Person LACIV057 08/24 YES
Affidavit of Identity and Order LACIV198 08/18 YES
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Information Package LACIV271 03/23 NO
Amendment to Complaint LACIV105 09/23 YES
Amendment to Cross-Complaint LACIV301 09/23 YES
Application and Order Regarding Lost Writ LACIV106 01/07 YES
Application and Order to Serve Summons by Posting for Unlawful Detainer LACIV107 01/07 YES
Application for Appointment to Mediator Volunteer Panel LACIV307 09/24 YES YES
Qualifications and Requirements for Applicants to the Mediation Volunteer Panel LACIV308 09/24 YES YES
Application & Order to Vacate Stay of Execution & to Issue Writ LACIV054 08/18 YES
Application & Order to Withdraw Exhibits LACIV037 01/23 YES
Application for Issuance of Writ of Possession or Sale LACIV096 08/07 YES
Application for Publication LACIV108 08/18 YES
Civil Case Cover Sheet Addendum and Statement of Location LACIV109 01/23 YES
Clerk’s Certificate of Satisfaction of Judgment LACIV040 01/23 YES
Commission LACIV131 01/23 YES
Complex Civil Case Questionnaire LACIV211 09/12 YES
Compliance with General Order for Limited Jurisdiction UD Jury Trial Readiness LACIV244 04/18 NO
Default Judgment
- Unlawful Detainer
LACIV119 01/23 YES
Ex Parte Application For Leave To Participate In The Resolvelawla.Com
Mandatory Settlement Conference Program And [Proposed] Order Thereon
LACIV290 09/21 YES
Exhibit List LACIV137 08/18 YES
Exhibit List - Trial LACIV216 08/18 YES
Expedited PI Court Trial Request Form LACIV285 05/21 YES
Fax Filing Coversheet - ODR LACIV266 06/18 YES
Instructions for Applications And Orders For Publication
Civil, Probate And Family Law Cases
Stanley Mosk Courthouse
LACIV221 08/18 NO
Information Sheet Assignment to the Personal Injury Hub Court's Mandatory Settlement Conference Program LACIV290 INFO 09/21 NO
Informal Discovery Conference LACIV094 04/11 YES
Informal Discovery Conference for PI Courts LACIV239 10/21 YES
Instructions for Completing Answer
- Unlawful Detainer
CIV038 09/03 NO
Joint Witness List - Exemplar LACIV217 08/18 YES
Judgment Based on Sister State Judgment (Code of Civ. Proc., 1710.25) LACIV209 01/23 YES
Judgment on Special Verdict LACIV199 08/18 YES
Jury Instruction - Special Instruction (Blank) LACIV129 08/18 YES
Long Cause Trial Package Guidelines (3/2021) w/Attachment 1 (LACIV 217) and Attachment 2 (LACIV 216) LACIV218 03/21 YES
[Model] Class Action and PAGA Settlement Agreement and Class Notice LACIV296 02/23 YES
[Model] Class Action Settlement Agreement and Class Notice LACIV297 02/23 YES
[Model] PAGA Settlement Agreement LACIV298 02/23 YES
Notice of Appeal - Administrative Hearing LACIV232 01/23 YES
Notice of Appeal - Parking LACIV005 01/23 YES
Notice of Entry of Judgment / Dismissal / Other Orders LACIV123 08/18 YES
Notice of Unlawful Detainer (Eviction) (English) LACIV002 01/23 YES
Notice of Unlawful Detainer (Eviction) (Հայերեն) LACIV002A 01/23 NO
Notice of Unlawful Detainer (Eviction) (中文) LACIV002C 01/23 NO
Notice of Unlawful Detainer (Eviction) (한국어) LACIV002K 01/23 NO
Notice of Unlawful Detainer (Eviction) (Español) LACIV002S 01/23 NO
Notice of Unlawful Detainer (Eviction) (Tiếng Việt) LACIV002V 01/23 NO
Order Appointing Court Approved Reporter As Official Reporter Pro LACIV237 04/24 YES
Order For Publication LACIV145 08/18 YES
Peremptory Challenge To Judicial Officer (C.C.P., § 170.6) LACIV015 12/14 YES
Petition to Have Voter Registration Information Declared Confidential LACIV273 06/19 YES
Proof Of Service Notice of Appeal - Administrative Hearing LACIV234 06/12 YES
(Proposed) Order to Have Voter Registration Information Declared Confidentia LACIV274 06/19 YES
Remote Settlement Conference Program Intake LACIV294 04/22 YES
Request For Enforcement of Order for Restitution / Judgment Pursuant to Penal Code Section 1214 LACIV202 09/07 YES
Request For Enforcement Of Summary Judgment Pursuant To Penal Code Section 1306 LACIV212 12/14 YES
Request For Entry Of Judgment, Judgment, And Notice Of Entry Of Judgment - Business And Professions Code Section 12015.3 LACIV100 01/23 YES
Request For Entry Of Judgment, Judgment, And Notice Of Entry Of Judgment - By The State Bar LACIV196 01/23 YES
Request For Entry Of Judgment, Judgment, And Notice Of Entry Of Judgment – Labor Code Section 5806 And Issuance Of A Writ Of Execution And/Or Other Enforcement LACIV215 01/23 YES
Request For Entry Of Judgment, Judgment, And Notice Of Entry Of Judgment - Public Resources Code Section 45014(C) LACIV087 01/23 YES
Request For Entry Of Judgment, Judgment, And Notice Of Entry Of Judgment - Vehicle Code Section 40220 40267 LACIV185 01/23 YES
Request For Entry Of Judgment, Judgment, And Notice Of Entry Of Judgment - Welfare And Institutions Code Section 903 LACIV184 01/23 YES
Request for Refund LACIV150 03/15 YES
Settlement Conference Program Intake Form LACIV270 03/19 YES
Stipulation - Discovery Resolution LACIV036 04/11 YES
[Proposed] Stipulation to Continue Trial/FSC/-PI Courts North District LACIV AV-242 12/20 YES
[Proposed] Stipulation to Continue Trial/FSC/-PI Courts Central District LACIV CTRL-242 09/21 YES
Stipulation and Order to Use Certified Shorthand Court Reporter LASC CIV 236 06/24 YES YES
Stipulation and Order - Motions in Limine LACIV075 04/11 YES
Stipulation - Early Organizational Meeting LACIV229 04/11 YES
Stipulation and Order
RE: Release of Civil Exhibits
LACIV050 08/18 YES
Stipulation For Civil Judgment LACIV220 08/18 YES
Stipulation for the Appointment of Court Commissioner as Temporary Judge LACIV117 04/09 YES
Stipulation re Jury Trials LACIV163 01/07 YES
Unlawful Detainer Stipulated Judgment LACIV293 10/21 YES
VELS Coversheet LACIV230 04/11 NO
Writ of Execution - Attachment 20 LACIV101 01/23 YES

criminal Forms
Form Name Form ID Revised Date Fillable Mandatory
Application/Petition For Dismissal (Street Vending) – Response And Order (Government Code §51039(G)(1)) CRIM 285 01/19 YES
Application/Petition for Recall and Resentencing or Dismissal (Health and Safety Code Section 11361.8(a) or 11361.8(e)) CRIM 258 06/18 YES
Application/Petition for Resentencing and People’s Response (Penal Code Section 1170.18, subsections (b) and (g)) CRIM 235 06/18 YES
Care Options for Children of Incarcerated Parents CRIM 266 06/18 YES
Notice To Court Automatic Record Relief Pursuant To Penal Code Section 1203.425 Or 851.93 CRIM 312 08/24 YES YES
Capital Case Checklist and Guidelines for Counsel CRIM016H 07/18 YES
Counsel’s Declaration CRIM016D 07/18 YES
Countywide Warrant System Initial Case Filing Form CRIM126 01/20 YES
Declaration Re: Ability to Pay Costs for Petition and Order for Expungement (Penal Code Section 1203.4) CRIM 196 06/18 YES
Felony Bail Computation Worksheet CRIM 208 01/24 YES YES
ID Theft Victim Information Sheet CRIM 119 01/23 NO
Modification of Sentence (Penal Code Section 18.5(b)) CRIM 263 06/18 YES
Order for Return of Seized Property CRIM 275 10/23 YES
Petition for Return of Seized Property CRIM 309 10/23 YES
Petition to Seal Records of Arresting Agency and Related Court Files and Records Pursuant to Penal Code Section 851.87 CRIM223 09/18 YES
Petition to Withdraw DEJ Plea Under Penal Code Section 1000 and Dismiss Complaint or Information (Penal Code Section 1203.43) CRIM261 06/18 YES
Probable Cause Determination (Declaration) CRIM 064 10/22 YES
Proof of Service CRIM 237 06/18 YES
Proof of Service of Petition (Penal Code Section 851.87) CRIM 228 06/18 YES
Protective and Restraining Order Worksheet CRIM 202 06/18 YES
Request to Increase Bail and/or Restrict the Source of Bail CRIM 205 09/24 YES YES

exhibits Forms
Form Name Form ID Revised Date Fillable Mandatory
Application and Order for Permanent Release of Exhibits in the custody of the Superior Court REAM 045 4/2019 YES NO
Application and Order for Viewing and/or Reproduction of Trial Court Exhibits REAM 009 12/2021 YES NO
Information Sheet (How to Submit an Application to View and/or Copy Exhibits) REAM 041 01/2022 NO NO

family law Forms
Form Name Form ID Revised Date Fillable Mandatory
Parenting Plan Assessment – Parent Questionnaire LASC FCS 042 01/24 YES YES
Parenting Plan Assessment – Parent Questionnaire (Spanish) LASC FCS 042S 01/24 YES YES
A Very Brief Overview of a Family Law Divorce or Parentage Case SHC001 04/21 NO
Additional Minors-Attachment A to Order FAM181 11/21 YES
Notice and Order of Case Reassignment FAM095 06/24 YES NO
Additional Contracts-Attachment B to Order FAM182 11/21 YES
Advisement of Rights/Authority of Commissioners Under Family Code § 4251(b) FAM105 06/18 YES
Application For Issuance Of Writ Of Possession / Sale / Execution FAM027 10/18 YES
Court Order for Family-Centered Case Resolution Conference (FCCRC) FAM112 12/22 YES
Court Order for Family-Centered Case Resolution Conference (FCCRC)-Parentage Cases FAM183 12/22 YES
Court Order for Post-Judgment Requests for Orders FAM120 06/23 YES YES
Court Order to Share Financial Information for Divorce, Legal Separation, or Nullity Cases FAM111 12/22 YES
Declaration of Ex-Parte Notice (Temporary Restraining Order) or Declaration RE: Notice Of Ex-Parte Request (No Notice Given) (Temporary Restraining Order) FAM018 10/18 YES
Declaration Regarding Notice and/or Request for Waiver of Notice of Request for Emergency Orders(Ex Parte Orders) (Family Law - Non Domestic Violence) FAM075 05/14 YES
Department 2 Longer Cause Hearing/Trial Setting Orders FAM205 04/21 NO
Dedicated Trial Court Longer Cause Hearing/Trial Readiness Orders FAM204 09/20 NO
Department 2 Family Code Section 217 Hearing/Trial Setting Orders FAM071 04/21 YES
Dissolution Default Judgment Review Checklist FAM082 10/18 NO
Dissolution Default Judgment With Agreement Review Checklist FAM085 01/19 NO
Domestic Violence Protective Order Help FAM230 12/23 NO Optional
Dissolution Stipulated Judgment Review Checklist FAM086 10/18 NO
Divorce Checklist: Get Ready for the Family Centered Case Resolution Conference FAM110 01/19 YES
Family Law Case Cover Sheet-Certificate of Grounds for Assignment to District FAM020 03/22 YES
Family Court Services Confidential Mediation Form (English) FCS047 06/21 YES
Family Court Services Confidential Mediation Form (Spanish) FCS047S 11/20 YES
Findings and Order After Heaing Pursuant to Family Code Section 3130-3134.5 FAM206 05/21 YES
Gestational Surrogacy Cover Sheet FAM104 10/18 YES
Joint Petition for Summary Dissolution Forms Packet Cover Sheet FAM193 01/20 NO
Judgment Reject Sheet FAM001 01/23 YES
Mutual Settlement Agreement FAM190 09/21 YES
Notice Of Rejection Of Application And Order For Publication - Family Law FAM009 10/18 YES
Notice of Stipulation to Collaborative Law Case and Order FAM198 05/20 YES
Notice of Termination of Collaborative Law Case and Order FAM199 05/20 YES
Order Approving Contract(s) of Minor(s) FAM180 09/22 YES
Parentage Action Request to Inspect and copy FAM063 01/23 YES
Parentage Judgment Reject Sheet FAM062 01/23 YES
Parentage Default Judgment Review checklist FAM087 02/20 NO
Parentage Default Judgment With Agreement Review checklist FAM083 02/20 NO
Parentage Stipulated Judgment Review checklist FAM084 02/20 NO
Surrogacy Judgment Checklist FAM201 05/21 YES
Petition for Custody and Support of Minor Children Forms Packet Cover Sheet FAM194 01/20 NO
Petition for Dissolution, Legal Separation, Nullity (With Children) Forms Packet Cover Sheet FAM040 01/20 NO
Petition for Dissolution, Legal Separation, Nullity (Without Children) Forms Packet Cover Sheet FAM041 01/20 NO
Petition to Determine Parental Relationship Forms Packet Cover Sheet FAM042 01/20 NO
Petition for Gun Violence Restraining Order Forms Packet Cover Sheet FAM196 08/22 NO
Petition for Private Postsecondary School Violence Restraining Order Forms Packet Cover Sheet FAM197 08/22 NO
Petition for Workplace Violence Restraining Order Forms Packet Cover Sheet FAM079 08/22 NO
Petition to Approve Contract(s) of Minor(s) FAM172 07/22 YES
Additional Minors-Attachment B to Petition FAM174 11/21 YES
Parental Quitclaim-Attachment C to Petition FAM175 02/22 YES
Waiver of Notice-Attachment D to Petition FAM176 11/21 YES
Additional Contracts-Attachment E to Petition FAM177 11/21 YES
Declaration of Lender-Attachment F to Petition FAM178 04/23 YES YES
Additional Facts-Attachment G to Petition FAM179 11/21 YES
Post-Judgment Request for Order Case Management Statement FAM119 01/19 YES
Quick Reference Dissolution Judgment Checklist FAM081 10/18 NO
Request and Order for Release of Confidential Marriage Record FAM171 01/19 YES
Request for CH Packet FAM077 11/22 NO
Request for Default Setting (Domestic Relations and Branch District Civil Actions) FAM031 10/18 YES
Required Forms to be Attached to Temporary Restraining Order Packets FAM219 5/23 NO
Information – How to Safely Turn in Firearms, Firearm Parts and Ammunition FAM220 11/22 NO
Request for Elder or Dependent Adult Restraining Order Allowing Contact Forms Packet FAM221 1/23 YES
Instructions Request for DVRO Packet with Children FAM033 2/23 NO
Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order (Without Children) Forms Packet Cover Sheet FAM032 08/22 NO
Request for Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Order Forms Packet Cover Sheet FAM195 08/22 NO
Request for Order-Custody/Visitation/Support Forms Packet Cover Sheet FAM043 01/20 NO
Request for Trial Setting FAM014 10/18 YES
Request to continue Hearing Date for a Request for Order or Motion, and Order Thereon FAM218 11/21 YES
Restraining Order Notice Pursuant to Family Code 6306 FAM215 04/23 YES YES
Stipulation/Settlement Agreement -Part A FAM024A 12/17 YES
Stipulation/Settlement Agreement -Part B FAM024B 10/18 YES
Stipulation/Settlement Agreement -Part C FAM024C 10/18 YES
Stipulation and Order for Appointment and Payment of Court Evaluator FAM FCS006 1/19 YES
Stipulation and Order for Appointment of Privately Compensated Temporary Judge FAM200 05/20 YES
Supplemental Information For Request For Restraining Order FAM073 03/13 YES

jury Forms
Form Name Form ID Revised Date Fillable Mandatory
Grand Jury Fact Sheet JURY 040 07/21 NO
Grand Jury Citizen Complaint Form JURY 038 07/21 YES
Grand Jury Application JURY 039 07/21 YES
Grand Jury Outreach Form JURY 043 10/18 YES
Request For Permanent Medical Excuse From Jury Service JURY 014 01/19 YES
Stipulation to Prescreen Jurors Due to Economic Hardship JURY 019 02/19 NO

juvenile Forms
Form Name Form ID Revised Date Fillable Mandatory
Checklist for Agency Adoptions Family Code Section 8700 - 8720 ADPT033 08/24 YES NO
Adoptions Case Cover Sheet ADPT 029 09/23 YES
Administrative Order re: Adoption of Southern California Inter-county Transfer Protocol 08/15 NO
Advisement of Rights
DEP023 04/19 NO
DEP023A 04/19 NO
DEP023C 04/19 NO
DEP023K 04/19 NO
DEP023S 04/19 NO
DEP023V 04/19 NO
Report of Youth’s Educational and Developmental Needs JUJ 027 11/23 YES YES
Checklist for Stepparent Adoptions ADPT 032 06/24 YES NO
Report of Child’s Educational and Developmental Needs DEP 071 11/23 YES YES
Request To Be Relieved As Education Attorney and Order JUV 061 11/23 YES YES
Request For Appointment As Education Attorney and Order JUV 062 11/23 YES YES
Application and Order for Approval of the Court to Obtain Information Regarding an Adoption CK048 09/16 YES
Application/Petition for Change in Disposition (Prop 47) JUV011 09/18 YES
Application to Obtain Information Regarding an Adoption CK057 08/18 YES
Attachment to Petition to Seal Juvenile Records, WIC 389 DEP066 06/22 YES
Attorney Order JUV058 06/23 YES
Certificate/Declaration Re: Military Service ADPT002 03/19 YES
Citation Freedom from Parental Custody and Control ADPT004 01/23 YES
Citation Re: Adoption ADPT006 01/23 YES
Citation re Adoption Proof of Service ADPT007 03/19 YES
Coordinated Health Services Referral and Order JUV036 11/23 YES
Court Appearance JUV015 09/19 NO
Court Ordered Case Plan DEP017 02/22 YES
Declaration and Order Dispensing with Notice to Alleged Natural Father ADPT008 07/15 YES
Declaration in Support of Access to Juvenile Records JUV010 11/19 YES
Declaration of Mailing or of Inability to Ascertain Address ADPT010 10/19 YES
Exhibit List REAM046 04/23 YES
Findings and Order of the Court ADPT013 04/15 YES
Information RE: Forms for Publication of Citation or for Personal Service-Abandonment ADPT016 03/19 YES
Judgment for Freedom From Parental Custody and Control ADPT018 10/19 YES
LASC Judical Officer Declaration in Support of Access to Juvenile Records JUV037 07/18 YES
Notice of Default (Dependency Appeals) JUV035 01/23 YES
Notice of Statutory Rights
JUV020 10/18 YES
JUV020S 10/18 YES
Notification of Appellate Rights After 366.26
DEP002 04/19 NO
DEP002S 04/19 NO
DEP002A 04/19 NO
DEP002C 04/19 NO
DEP002K 04/19 NO
DEP002V 04/19 NO
Juvenile Court Notification of Appellate Rights After Disposition Hearing
DEP003 04/19 NO
DEP003S 04/19 NO
DEP003A 04/19 NO
DEP003C 04/19 NO
DEP003K 04/19 NO
DEP003V 04/19 NO
Juvenile Court Transfer-Out Orders JV550 01/17 YES
Juvenile Court Transfer-Out Order NMD JV552 01/17 YES
Motion for Transfer-Out JV548 01/17 YES
Order Appointing Expert - 730EC DEP014 06/23 YES
Order for Publication of Summons, Citation or Notice of Hearing ADPT023 11/14 YES
Juvenile Parentage Questionnaire and Order DEP025 02/24 YES YES
Petition for Birth Record Information CK047 01/23 NO
Petition for Freedom from Parental Custody and Control [Family code 7820] ADPT025 10/19 YES
Petition to Determine Parental Rights of Alleged Natural Father and to Determine Necessity of Consent ADPT024 04/15 YES
Petition to Seal Juvenile Records, Dependency WIC 389 DEP065 01/23 YES
Petition and Order for Research JUV004 08/18 NO
Proof of Service Attachment JUVICT001A 07/15 YES
Proof of Service (Prop 47) JUV014 11/22 YES
Petition to Seal Juvenile Records Dependency JUV040 08/18 YES
Report of Child's Injuries Pursuant to WIC Section 317, Subdivision (e) JUV041 08/18 NO
Request for Disclosure of Sealed Records JUV047 06/22 YES
Request for Interviewing, Photographing, Videotaping, or Voice Recording of Dependent or Delinquent Children (WIC 387) JUV003 08/18 NO
Request for Remote Appearance or Waiver of Personal Appearance of Adoptive Parent(s), and Order ADPT028 05/22 YES
Request for Special Transcript and Order JUV005 09/18 YES
Request for Walk-On JUV059 06/23 YES
Juvenile Education Panel Questionnaire JUV060 02/24 YES YES
Southern California Inter-county Transfer Protocol 04/17 NO
Stipulation Regarding Inspection, Copying, and Non-Dissemination of Juvenile Records Without Court Order DEP052 11/19 YES
Stipulation for the appointment of Commissioner or Referee as temporary Judge ADPT027 07/20 YES
Stipulation for Appointment of Referee as Temporary Judge DEP061 01/21 YES
The Incarcerated Parents' Dependency Court Handbook
JUV016 07/16 NO
JUV016S 07/18 NO

mental health Forms
Form Name Form ID Revised Date Fillable Mandatory
Application And Order Appointing Probate Referee Lanterman-Petris Short Act Conservatorship MH047 09/24 YES YES
Change of Address MH039 11/18 YES
Citation for LPS Conservatorship MH037 01/19 YES
Conservatorship 7 Point Letter for Medical Treatment MH041 11/18 YES
Declaration of Service MH005 01/20 YES
Information Sheet for LPS Conservatorships MH012 01/23 NO
Letters of Conservatorship (Mentally Disordered) MH027 01/23 YES
Letters of Conservatorship (Mentally Disordered) - Amended MH042 01/23 YES
Letters of Conservatorship (Mentally Disordered) - Successor MH043 01/23 YES
Medication Capacity Appeal MH021 01/23 YES
Notice of Hearing MH003 01/19 YES
Order Reappointing Conservator MH036 10/20 YES
Petition and Declaration Regarding Capacity to Give Informed Consent to Medication (Riese Petition) MH006 07/18 YES
Petition for Reappointment of Conservator MH028 11/18 YES
Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus MH002 01/23 YES
Physician's Declaration MH004 11/18 YES
Request and Order to View or Receive a Copy of Mental Health Case File MH024 11/18 YES
Request for Mental Health Facility-Based Hearing MH054 04/23 YES

miscellaneous Forms
Form Name Form ID Revised Date Fillable Mandatory
Digital Divide Flyer ADM187 10/22 NO
Digital Divide Flyer (Spanish) ADM187S 10/22 NO
Government Claim - Judicial Branch ADM116 03/19 YES
Payment Submittal Notice XLIT011 04/21 YES
Request for Copies ADM080 01/23 YES

probate Forms
Form Name Form ID Revised Date Fillable Mandatory
Annual Compliance Certification for Probate Appointed Counsel Attorneys PRO058 01/23 YES
Ex Parte Order to Claim Funds on Deposit with the County Treasury (Probate Code Section 11854) PRO095 09/24 YES YES
Ex Parte Petition to Claim Funds on Deposit with the County Treasury (Probate Code Section 11854) PRO096 09/24 YES YES
Application and Order Appointing Probate Referee PRO001 08/24 YES YES
Application and Order to Correct Name of Case PRO056 04/24 YES YES
Application Nunc Pro Tunc PRO027 02/12 YES
Attorney Application for Appointment to Probate Appointed Counsel
PRO057 01/23 YES
Bid in Open Court on Sale of Real Property PRO009 05/03 YES
Consent to Serve PRO026 02/12 YES
Conservatorship Care Plan PRO023 07/08 YES
Conservatorship Investigation Brochure PROI078 08/23 NO
Declaration in Support of Application for Nunc Pro Tunc Order PRO051 02/12 YES
Ex Parte Order Directing Amended Letters of Conservatorship PRO030 08/24 YES NO
Ex Parte Order for Release of the Remains of a Decedent PRO018 02/12 YES
Ex Parte Petition for Amended Letters to Issue Upon PRO029 08/24 YES NO
Ex Parte Petition for Release of the Remains of a Decedent PRO017 02/12 YES
Financial Documents Cover Sheet PRO021 01/23 YES
FORMS PACKET: Conservatorship PRO084 05/23 NO NO
FORMS PACKET: Guardianship PRO085 05/23 NO YES
Investigación de tutela PROI078S 08/23 NO
Notice of Commencement of Proceeding for a Court Supervised Trust PRO044 02/12 YES
Notice of Conservatee's Rights PRO088 03/23 YES YES
Notice of Deposit of Estate Planning Documents PRO011 01/23 YES
Notice of Location of Joint Will PRO012 01/23 YES
Notification to Court of Address on Conservatorship / Guardianship PRO003 10/18 YES
Nunc Pro Tunc Order PRO028 02/12 YES
Order Approving Report and Dispensing with Account/Bond PRO053 02/12 YES
Order Approving Waiver of Acct & Terminating Guardianship (No Blocked Acct) PRO048 02/12 YES
Order Approving Waiver of Acct. (with Blocked Accounts) PRO049 02/12 YES
Order Extending Temporary Guardianship PRO047 02/12 YES
Order Terminating Proceedings PRO013 10/03 YES
Order Terminating Proceedings and Discharging Personal Rep. PRO055 02/12 YES
Order Upon Hearing of Status Report of Administration PRO040 02/12 YES
Petition for Termination of Proceeding & Discharge of Personal Rep. PRO054 02/12 YES
Probate Case Cover Sheet-Certificate of Grounds for Assignment to District PRO010 07/17 YES
Probate Court Appointed Counsel's Report For Developmentally Disabled Adults PRO076 10/18 YES
Probate Court Appointed Counsel's Report For Developmentally Disabled Adults With Major Or Mild Neurocognitive Disorder (Dementia) Attachment PRO077 10/18 YES
Proposed Notice to Creditors of Trust PRO043 02/12 YES
Report and Petition for Dispensing with Account/Bond PRO052 02/12 YES
Request by Court-Appointed Counsel for Authority to Perform Additional Hours of Service PRO025 09/24 YES
Request for Probate Hearing in a District Court: Conservatorship/Guardianship PRO060 10/13 YES
Examination Of Original Will/Codicil(s) PRO065 05/18 YES
Letter Of Transfer: Safekeeping Will PRO066 01/23 YES
Request to Continue Petition Hearing And Order (Probate) PRO080 02/20 YES
Request to Continue Petition Hearing Information (Probate) PRO081 02/20 NO
Status Report of Administration PRO039 02/12 YES
Supplement to Petition for Appointment of Probate Conservator PRO050 02/12 YES
Supplement to Petition for Probate Re Heirs and Next of Kin PRO032 02/12 YES
Supplement to Petition for Probate Re Issue PRO033 02/12 YES
Supplement to Petition for Probate Re Property PRO034 02/12 YES
Supplement to Petition for Probate Re Spouse or Domestic Partner PRO035 02/12 YES
Supplement to Petition for Termination of Guardianship re Relatives PRO042 02/12 YES
Supplement to Petition for Termination of Guardianship (Dispensing with Notice) PRO041 02/12 YES
Supplement to Report Sale & Petition for Order Confirming Sale of Real Property PRO036 02/12 YES
Supplement to Spousal/Domestic Partner Property Petition PRO038 02/12 YES
Waiver of Account PRO045 02/12 YES
Waiver of Notice PRO031 02/12 YES

small claims Forms
Form Name Form ID Revised Date Fillable Mandatory
Application and Order for Transfer SMCL014 09/19 YES
Declaration of Judgment Debtor Regarding Satisfaction of Judgment (Small Claims) SMCL003 01/23 YES
Exchange and Submission of Evidence (Small Claims) LACIV278 07/23 YES
Notice of Remote Appearances and Exchange and Submission of Evidence Protocol SMCL 016 01/22 YES
Small Claims Mailing Label LACIV279 07/20 NO
Small Claims Settlement Agreement SMCL 017 10/20 YES

traffic Forms
Form Name Form ID Revised Date Fillable Mandatory
Infraction Trials - Notice to Litigants LASC TRAF 043 01/23 NO Optional
Juicios Por Infracciones - Aviso a Los Litigantes LASC TRAF 043S 09/22 NO Optional
Agreement To Pay With A Request For A Reduction In Sentence LASC TRAF 057 08/24 YES Optional
Notice of Change of Address LASC TRAF 059 11/20 YES Optional

unlawful detainer Forms


Copyright © Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles