Los Angeles Superior Court

Public Information Office

Website: www.lasuperiorcourt.org

E-mail: PublicInfo@LASuperiorCourt.org





April 8, 2013





As previously announced, effective March 18, all new non-collection limited jurisdiction civil cases are now filed at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse.  


Anyone wishing to contest the final decision of a local processing agency regarding an administrative fine or penalty, including but not limited to parking appeals, must file a Notice of Appeal - Administrative Hearing at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse, 111 North Hill Street, Room 102, Los Angeles, CA 90012.  These cases will no longer be filed in any other Los Angeles Superior Court location.


As a reminder, local agency decisions include those made by a city, county, district, public authority, public agency, or other political subdivision in this state, but other than the state, that issued the citation or notice of violation.  [Gov. Code § 11410.30(a)]  The Notice of Appeal can only be made after an individual has had an administrative review from the issuing local agency.  A copy of the Notice of Decision must accompany the filing.


A court review of any state agency decision, such as the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), Labor Commission, Employment Development Department (EDD), etc., follows a different legal process, which is heard in unlimited civil jurisdiction.  


This information is available on the Los Angeles Superior Court website at www.lasuperiorcourt.org.